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Leadership NLP Strategic Thinking

WISH TO BE A LEADER? Explore Personal Mastery for self.

Praggatti Rao September 23, 2020

“Leadership is about a leader seeing the greatness in self and others & being able to communicate it in such clear terms that they begin to believe it.”.. S. Covey

“Leadership is the next common sense. Not all of us would want to be the CEO or the President of a nation but I don’t think any one of us wouldn’t want to be a leader who leads a healthy and balanced life , be an example for others, to live by values and principles or to be a good model of excellence in general.”

Simply put Leadership is about taking charge of-

How you are talking?

How you are Thinking? and

How are you behaving and taking actions?

1)- Be in other person’s shoes. It is a leadership trait to think like how others would want it and just how you wish to want /think of  something.

Its definitely, very comforting to doing or looking at things the way we like. Quite often, the majority of young adults look at scenarios with a tunnel vision of how it should be, how they like it and end up designing their assignments, projects, profiles and if not corrected their entire life around selfish and self based motives. This distances them for seeing things as to how they should be so that they get a buy in of others and let their ideas been accepted by majority. This being in other person’s position when done in balance is a great place to acquire team-spirit; embracing differences, celebrating different view points and above all right perspectives in life.
A leader is not the one consumed by the sense of self alone. Rather He/she designs things that benefit all, please all and most importantly takes others into consideration.


2)- ‘Being- Human’ in challenges situations is a big WIN-WIN

Problems, challenges, mistakes can happen in the various environments that we all are a part of , but how you handle one defines your ‘leadership-Quotient’ ; I agree being ‘Haughty with Humble and Humble with Haughty’ can be tricky. Yet to approach tricky stuff like failure, a fight, a clash of interests etc. can be handled without much heart burn with a robust people -centric approach. A leader keeps the patience to not to be controlled/driven by other people’s behaviors. He faces challenging people, situations and upsets with a bigger picture to learn, be better in future.

  • Even when he is upset, he chooses his words to express:
  • With difficult people, he sees the behavior as separate from the person. He attacks the behavior and does no damage to the person doing that one/many things.
  • When in a situation of giving honest opinion he starts the talk with a quality of the person and then tells the area of dissent/improvement. He finally leaves the person with another positive genuine comment to enable him/her to take some positive action on the area of disagreement.
    wish to be a leader?


3)- Press for progress and look forward to any scope of improvement in your work

Young adults need to be hungry for more – as in more of learning, more action to improve your out put at work, more efforts to get onto a higher level or next level from where ever you are. Challenge your current status and do not get comfortable in the rut. Being there will make you’ just average’ in the long run.


Initiate to think improvement in all areas of work and life and stick to higher standards of performance. Preserve and stick to your goals one day at a time & soon you will be there.

  • Believe in being better in small/big things
  • Push hard to make changes in reality
  • Leaders self-motivated, self align and take responsibility of the things-good(success) & bad(failure) on their way to be one.
  • Success can be rewarding but a leader doesn’t berate himself in case of failures. he understands the underlying reasons and is flexible to course-correct and not to waste time doing same mistakes ever again.

Check your progressive quotient like this and take enough time as questions

well answered are the laser to consciousness and thus your results.

  • Do you approach your work with ‘How can I do it better?’ quite often?
  • Do you praise your institution, mentors, the works at quite a lot of times?
  • Have I/You achieved any improvement with respect to the quality of work and the quantity in last 3 months?
  • Do you stand as a good example for your peers and more so for your juniors at school/home/society?
  • Do I think good and contribute to well being of my family?
  • Are we as a family happier than earlier?
  • Do I achieve for myself?
  • Do I achieve for my family ?
  • Do I achieve at my work ?
  • Do I contribute for my community ?
  • Do I object/crib/complain about things ?

4)- Work on thyself and love your company

Distractions would abound, work deadline will call for attention and all the nutty-grittiest of life would be shriek for attention.

To be a leader, you ‘ve be expected to create islands of me-time where you confers with your thinking, introspects and plan ahead, read and toy with fresh ideas and consider yourself to be a project. T.V. is not called idiot box just like that, Resorting to a balance in consuming T.V, social media, gadgets, music, Video-games, telephone is psychologically healthy and choosing wisdom in its consumption is the sign of  a true leader. 

Take it, train it and it will and it will shower you with mental tenacity, richer thoughts, firmness of purpose and a stability in your own thinking around yourself. Being alone is about drawing energy from within. It is in these moments that one explores their true self and fill the gaps if  any with clear thinking. Drawing energy from outside-people, things etc. can easily shift your focus and dissipate the same energy that facilitates being more resourceful.

Before I leave you with ample resources at your disposal now, just a word of caution dear reader, LEADERSHIP COMES FAST BUT IT NEEDS CONSTANT EFFORT TO KEEP IT SUSTAINED. So just take it as a way of life than mere one episode of achieving greatness!

Do share in comments if it helped and also if you have any more inputs around leadership that can be a game changer?


  1. NANDINI KEWALRAMANI November 1, 2020

    Beautiful 💝🥰


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